Subject Capture
Once the Range of Motion has been processed and we have a skeleton matching the capture subject, actually capturing the subject is fairly simple.
Any actors that we are going to track will be loaded into the Character's section under the "Capture" section
- Select the Studio Activies tab
- Select the Capture Layout button - this will present all the windows associated with capture
- Turn on the Cameras again using the Connect button - Vicon Blade automatically disconnects when not capturing, make sure "Solve" is selected from the view dropdown
- Under the Capture window, make sure the Character/actor you wish to track is checked (this is the same as the Character Management window
Warning: if you do not see your subject captured from the R.O.M. in this box, you may not have succesfully completed the ROM - go back and check your steps carefully
Capturing the Subject
Now when the subject walks into the capture volume, a graphical prepresentation should be shown when viewing the Perspective view
- Select the Studio Activies tab
- Select the Capture Layout button - this will present all the windows associated with capture
- Under Capture and Take Info enter a Name (brief title of action, e.g. BoogieDance); the Desc., and any Notes; which are for your own purposes and do not change the capture in any way and are not even required (i.e. they can be blank)
- Under the Capture group, once the subject is in the T-Pose, you can press Start and once the subject has finished (back in the T-Pose) you can press Stop
Capturing Multiple Files
If you need to capture multiple times, which is expected, you can just change the name of your trial file and repeat the name of the sequence - the system will save the files after each capture.
Tip: If you are unhappy with a particular sequence and wish to repeat it, you can overwrite it. You will need to go to Take Info uncheck the Auto-increment capture name and check Allow overwriting of existing files; once you have captured your sequence again it is best to check the Auto-increment capture name and uncheck >Allow overwriting of existing file so that your captures are not accidently overwritten.